Antonio Valledor
Fu'ad Nassar
Bernard Quellmalz
Eugene Duhring
Gaston Lefranc
gérard menvussa
fée clochette
Marco Pagot
46 participants
Page 37 sur 40
Page 37 sur 40 • 1 ... 20 ... 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
Re: Grèce
Grèce : un groupe d'extrême gauche revendique le meurtre des deux néonazis
L'assassinat de ces deux jeunes sympathisants qui gardaient des locaux d'une antenne du parti nazi est revendiqué par "un groupe d'extrême-gauche jusqu'alors inconnu" : cette histoire pue la provocation à plein nez. D'ici à ce qu'Aube Dorée se retrouve en odeur de sainteté, auréolée cette fois du statut de "victime d'une odieuse exaction", il n'y a pas bien loin.
A mon avis, la piste évoquée par les enquêteurs d'un crime commis par un mystérieux groupe anarchiste intitulé "Secte révolutionnaire", relève de la fabrication policière.
L'assassinat de ces deux jeunes sympathisants qui gardaient des locaux d'une antenne du parti nazi est revendiqué par "un groupe d'extrême-gauche jusqu'alors inconnu" : cette histoire pue la provocation à plein nez. D'ici à ce qu'Aube Dorée se retrouve en odeur de sainteté, auréolée cette fois du statut de "victime d'une odieuse exaction", il n'y a pas bien loin.
A mon avis, la piste évoquée par les enquêteurs d'un crime commis par un mystérieux groupe anarchiste intitulé "Secte révolutionnaire", relève de la fabrication policière.
Babel- Messages : 1081
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2011
Re: Grèce
Vidéo intéressante sur France24 : Grèce : le crépuscule d’Aube dorée ?
sylvestre- Messages : 4489
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2010
Re: Grèce
Communiqué d’Antarsya sur l’assassinat de deux membres de l’Aube Dorée
L’attaque meurtrière et professionnelle contre deux membres de l’Aube Dorée à Neo Herakleio sert objectivement de provocation en faveur du gouvernement et de l’Etat ainsi que les plans de renforcement réactionnaire du système avec sa dangereuse arme de la théorie des « deux extrêmes ». Non seulement cet acte ne s’affronte pas au fascisme, mais il le renforce encore plus. Le fascisme doit être combattu par la lutte de masse des travailleurs et de la jeunesse dans les quartiers, les écoles, les lieux de travail.
Cet acte criminel, d’où qu’il vienne, est hostile et étranger au mouvement de masse et à la gauche. La gauche n’a rien à voir avec les « règlements de compte » ni avec les assassinats de sang froid.
Cette attaque criminelle permet au gouvernement et à ses médias de restaurer la théorie des « deux extrêmes ». Ils tentent ainsi de minimiser l’action criminelle soutenue des néonazis de l’Aube Dorée et de faire apparaître les misérables agissements du gouvernement de coalition et de l’État policier comme des garants de la stabilité.
Mais en dépit de toutes les provocations qu’ils peuvent organiser, ils ne pourront convaincre personne que les assassins de Pablos Fyssas et Sazam Loukman se seraient subitement transformés en victimes. On connaît maintenant les liens troubles existants entre l’organisation fasciste et la pègre, avec des bandes armées, avec la police et la mafia des armateurs. Qu’on cherche d’abord dans ces milieux là au lieu d’accuser précipitamment la gauche d’être derrière l’attaque.
La gauche et le mouvement populaire ne doivent pas êtres intimidés ni terrorisés. Nous allons poursuivre et intensifier la lutte massive et déterminée dans la rue afin de vaincre la politique sauvage actuelle et le terrorisme aux multiples visages qui, en dernière instance, et comme l’histoire l’a démontrée, occulte l’« État profond ».
Traduction française pour
Vers une « stratégie de la tension » ? Theodora Polenta
Vendredi 1er novembre une moto s’est arrêtée devant le local du parti fasciste Aube Dorée à Neo Iraklio dans la banlieue nord d’Athènes et les motards ont tiré sur les membres d’Aube Dorée qui gardaient ce local. Deux membres du parti ont été tués et un autre grièvement blessé. Personne ne sait encore qui a organisé l’assassinat. Mais, qui que soient leurs auteurs, ces meurtres sont, politiquement, une provocation qui va nuire au mouvement antifasciste et la gauche.
L’aspect « professionnel » de l’attaque suggère un plan d’exécution prémédité et organisé et des exécutants expérimentés. De telles actions sont peu susceptibles d’avoir un lien avec le mouvement antifasciste ou la classe ouvrière organisée. Ils ne peuvent pas non plus être interprétés comme le résultat de la colère légitime de la population après l’assassinat de l’artiste hip-hop antifasciste Pavlos Fyssas par un membre d’Aube Dorée le 18 Septembre.
Politiquement, le principal bénéficiaire de l’attaque est l’Aube Dorée. Ses dirigeants avaient été inculpés comme des voyous et des assassins, et maintenant ils peuvent se présenter comme des victimes.
Une aubaine pour Aube Dorée...
Aube Dorée peut maintenant espérer regagner la sympathie des couches les plus rétrogrades de l’opinion publique, plaider la « légitime défense » et appeler à la "protection" de ses membres.
Quel que soient ceux qui ont organisé l’attaque du 1er novembre, un affrontement armé entre des groupes qui opèrent dans l’ombre ne résoudra aucun des problèmes sociaux majeurs que sont l’effondrement économique, le chômage et la pauvreté et qui conduisent des millions de gens au désespoir. C’est précisément ce désespoir qui est la cause sociale motrice dans la montée du fascisme.
Les présentateurs de télévision versent des larmes devant les caméras en évoquant les deux jeunes hommes qui ont été tués. On nous bombarde de photos des familles des victimes et d’appels à mettre fin au "cycle sanglant", "quelles que soient ses origines". L’assassinat de Pavlos Fyssas est maintenant mis en parallèle avec l’assassinat des membres d’Aube Dorée. La théorie des « deux extrêmes » a reçu une nouvelle impulsion. Les gens parlent d’une « guerre de guérilla dans les villes » et de l’« ultra-gauche » comme étant « un terrain fertile pour le non-respect de la démocratie et l’illégalité ».
... et pour le gouvernement
Les autres grands gagnants de cet événement sont le gouvernement et l’appareil répressif. Au nom de la lutte contre le terrorisme, le gouvernement va tenter de légitimer dans les esprits les restrictions aux droits démocratiques et aux libertés fondamentales.
Samaras et Venizelos ne pouvaient guère imaginer plus beau cadeau politique pour leur gouvernement, quelques jours avant la grève générale appelée par les deux confédérations syndicales GSEE et ADESY pour le 6 novembre et face au personnel administratif des universités qui entre dans sa neuvième semaine de grève.
Juste avant l’assassinat de Pavlos Fyssas, les sondages montraient que les partis au gouvernement perdaient du terrain au bénéfice d’Aube Dorée alors que des mouvements importants de protestation commençaient chez les enseignants et dans d’autres secteurs de travailleurs du secteur public. Le gouvernement a tiré un maximum de l’assassinat. En agissant vigoureusement contre Aube Dorée, il a repris l’initiative politique et il a été capable d’exploiter les contradictions des forces de gauche. Il a forcé la principale force de l’opposition, Syriza, à voter avec le gouvernement et à faire de l’article 187A - la " loi anti-terroriste " que Syriza avait précédemment dénoncée - la base de la décision parlementaire du 23 Octobre supprimant le financement de l’Etat pour Aube Dorée.
Un défi crucial pour la gauche
La gauche doit dénoncer les théories des « deux extrêmes » et de « l’arc constitutionnel » (censé unir la droite et la gauche parlementaires contre les " extrémistes "- NdT). La gauche doit refuser l’idéologie de la stabilité bourgeoise, s’opposer au faux dilemme actuellement mis en avant entre "instabilité" et "stabilité" et dénoncer la déstabilisation actuelle imposée à la société grecque par le gouvernement du Mémorandum.
La gauche doit mettre en évidence le besoin de stabilité du point de vue de la classe travailleuse : la stabilité des droits des travailleurs et des avantages sociaux. Elle doit redéfinir, à travers une radicalisation efficace et un plan de mesures de transition centré sur les travailleurs, à la fois son autonomie par rapport au système politique dominant et son identification avec la classe travailleuse et les couches populaires.
Le gouvernement qui a causé le désastre social veut maintenant réapparaître comme « l’arbitre » et « le sauveur » face aux catastrophes que ses politiques ont créées.
La troïka Union Européenne - Banque Centrale Européenne - Fonds Monétaire International est arrivée à Athènes lundi 4 novembre, apportant avec elle des valises pleines de nouvelles mesures sévères devant être imposées à un pays dévasté. Si on laisse le Mémorandum imposé par la Troïka poursuivre son travail macabre au milieu de la pauvreté et de la faim, la Grèce sera entraînée dans un conflit sanglant entre des forces nourries par la politique du gouvernement. En outre, si des éléments de l’appareil d’État et des institutions para-étatiques, peut-être en lien avec des intérêts à l’étranger, ont décidé d’une " stratégie de la tension " - attiser délibérément la violence en vue de créer les conditions d’une forte répression - comme ce fut le cas en Italie à la fin des années 1970, cela risque de rendre l’avenir encore plus difficile.
Un front uni pour la défense des libertés de la classe travailleuse, des droits démocratiques et de la lutte antifasciste, est crucial. La première réponse est de participer massivement à la grève du 6 novembre et de lier la lutte pour en finir avec les politiques imposées par le Mémorandum avec la défense des libertés.
S’il n’y a pas maintenant une réponse massive du mouvement ouvrier, de la gauche et de la jeunesse, le résultat pourrait bien être l’imposition d’un climat réactionnaire généralisé. Nous avons besoin à la fois d’un front uni de la gauche, des syndicats et des organisations de jeunesse pour la défense des libertés démocratiques et d’une réponse militante commune pour assurer une auto-défense efficace du mouvement ouvrier, de la gauche et de la jeunesse contre les provocations des fascistes et de l’État.
Il ne faut avoir aucune illusion sur les mécanismes de l’État bourgeois, qui sont les lieux où s’élaborent se mettent en œuvre les mesures réactionnaires et les provocations contre le mouvement ouvrier et la gauche. Un front uni de la gauche, des syndicats et des organisations de jeunesse devrait organiser, dans chaque quartier et chaque ville, des manifestations massives contre les plans d’austérité et les attaques contre les droits démocratiques.
La réponse de la gauche devrait être de revendiquer le pouvoir pour mettre en œuvre un programme de revendications transitoires : refus de rembourser la dette, nationalisation des banques et des secteurs stratégiques de l’économie sous le contrôle et le gestion des travailleurs et de la population, planification de l’économie en fonction des besoins de la société. C’est la seule façon d’en finir avec les conditions sociales qui génèrent le fascisme et le terrorisme sous toutes leurs formes.
Syriza, en tant que principal parti de la gauche, a la responsabilité première de proposer une telle lutte à la gauche et au mouvement ouvrier. Le reste de la gauche doit y contribuer. La réponse au gouvernement du Mémorandum, à l’escalade des attaques contre les travailleurs et à la théorie des « deux extrêmes » et la réponse aux « provocations » et aux stratégies de la tension sont les mêmes : une organisation de la radicalisation, un esprit intransigeant, une lutte unie, un mouvement combatif des travailleurs organisé à partir de la base et un gouvernement de la gauche comme première étape vers le pouvoir des travailleurs.
Article publié sur le site
Traduction pour : Jean Peltier
Babel- Messages : 1081
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2011
construire mobilisationn antifa et antiaustérité
Roseau- Messages : 17750
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
Violences contre les femmes : une arme stratégique
Nous savions déjà que la violence contre les femmes était souvent utilisée comme une arme de guerre, visant à les punir, à les humilier et a les déshumaniser, mais surtout a réprimer et anéantir par tous les moyens possibles le groupe auquel elles appartiennent. Dans les conflits armés, cette violence a été longtemps assimilée à un signe de domination plus qu’un outil de destruction. Nous savons aussi qu’en temps de paix, les violences contre les femmes passent surtout pour des actes individuels d’hommes violents, et non des armes de destruction «stratégiques».
Et bien, que diriez-vous si dans la situation de crise exacerbée qui secoue la Grèce, la violence contre les femmes était en train de devenir une arme aux mains des puissants?
En effet, ces derniers temps, des cas d’une telle violence se multiplient en Grèce. En voila quatre manifestations particulièrement emblématiques :
Et bien, que diriez-vous si dans la situation de crise exacerbée qui secoue la Grèce, la violence contre les femmes était en train de devenir une arme aux mains des puissants?
En effet, ces derniers temps, des cas d’une telle violence se multiplient en Grèce. En voila quatre manifestations particulièrement emblématiques :
ulrik- Messages : 127
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2010
Evolutions politiques
Roseau- Messages : 17750
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
Re: Grèce
Montée du mouvement néonazi et ses résultats
Sur Inprecor d'octobre, une analyse synthétique et détaillée, par Jan Malewski.
Sur Inprecor d'octobre, une analyse synthétique et détaillée, par Jan Malewski.
Babel- Messages : 1081
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2011
Re: Grèce
Ruines : chronique d’une chasse aux sorcières séropositives
Invité- Invité
Re: Grèce
Sur le site de Carré Rouge:
En Grèce, l’Etat s’effondre, les quartiers s’organisent
En Grèce, l’Etat s’effondre, les quartiers s’organisent
Dernière édition par Babel le Jeu 26 Déc - 15:36, édité 1 fois
Babel- Messages : 1081
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2011
par François Leclerc
Roseau- Messages : 17750
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
Re: Grèce
Alencontre publie un article important, au moins sur le plan factuel, pour qui souhaite se faire une vue d'ensemble assez précise de la situation au cours de ces derniers mois :
Grèce. L’austérité s’accentue et des tests importants se rapprochent.
Le rédacteur, Petros Panou, est membre de DEA, un des groupes animant la Plateforme de gauche de Syriza. Le tableau qu'il dresse de l'état actuel des rapports de forces sociaux et politiques est éloquent et lucide.
A une exception près, toutefois, concernant la capacité de cette "aile gauche" à constituer un pôle alternatif efficace à la direction réformiste de Syriza, sans se compromettre ni capituler.
Malgré les précautions rhétoriques dont il accompagne son propos, le rédacteur ne se départit pas d'un certain "illusionnisme" centriste, lorsqu'il écrit :
En faisant peser ce programme assez composite entièrement sur les seules "épaules de la Plateforme de gauche ", en n'établissant pas des priorités d'action, et en surestimant les possibilités d'agir à l'intérieur d'un champ entièrement contrôlé par la bureaucratie du parti, ces camarades ne faussent-ils pas eux-mêmes les perspectives ?
Il me semble que les développements récents plaident au contraire en faveur du maintien et du renforcement d'une gauche située à l'extérieur de cette coalition-parti, qui sache garder les mains libres afin d'agir toute indépendance.
Encore une fois, les faits trancheront. Et, encore une fois, la situation de millions de jeunes et de salariés en dépendra.
Grèce. L’austérité s’accentue et des tests importants se rapprochent.
Le rédacteur, Petros Panou, est membre de DEA, un des groupes animant la Plateforme de gauche de Syriza. Le tableau qu'il dresse de l'état actuel des rapports de forces sociaux et politiques est éloquent et lucide.
A une exception près, toutefois, concernant la capacité de cette "aile gauche" à constituer un pôle alternatif efficace à la direction réformiste de Syriza, sans se compromettre ni capituler.
Malgré les précautions rhétoriques dont il accompagne son propos, le rédacteur ne se départit pas d'un certain "illusionnisme" centriste, lorsqu'il écrit :
Dans les mois à venir, les choix qui seront pris sur des questions telles que : les élections locales (alliances, programme, etc.); l’attitude dans les luttes (l’organisation active de la résistance au lieu de simplement annoncer son soutien à des grèves dans l’attente d’une défaite électorale de Samaras, sans s’engager dans une perspective de préparation d’une grève générale politique); l’engagement programmatique et pratique contre l’austérité – avec ce que cela implique en termes d’orientation liée non seulement à la Troïka, mais aux classes dominantes en Grèce – au moment où possibilité de Syriza de se retrouver au gouvernement est plus proche. Enfin, se pose la question du fonctionnement politique, concret du parti-coalition, par exemple la mise en œuvre de la décision d’organiser activement les Comités populaires de résistance. Cette idée reste, pour l’essentiel, sur le papier. Enfin, il s’agit de renverser la tendance à substituer un «groupe dirigeant» aux organes collectifs du parti. Tout cela sera crucial pour l’avenir de Syriza.
En faisant peser ce programme assez composite entièrement sur les seules "épaules de la Plateforme de gauche ", en n'établissant pas des priorités d'action, et en surestimant les possibilités d'agir à l'intérieur d'un champ entièrement contrôlé par la bureaucratie du parti, ces camarades ne faussent-ils pas eux-mêmes les perspectives ?
Il me semble que les développements récents plaident au contraire en faveur du maintien et du renforcement d'une gauche située à l'extérieur de cette coalition-parti, qui sache garder les mains libres afin d'agir toute indépendance.
Encore une fois, les faits trancheront. Et, encore une fois, la situation de millions de jeunes et de salariés en dépendra.
Babel- Messages : 1081
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2011
par François Leclerc
La Grèce prend la présidence de l’Union Européenne
pour six mois, jusqu’au 30 juin 2014.
La Grèce est en faillite.
Elle subit une régression sociale historique.
Un rappel, source Eurostat:
2004 : dette publique de 183,157 milliards d’euros, soit 98,6 % du PIB.
2005 : dette publique de 195,421 milliards d’euros.
2006 : dette publique de 224,204 milliards d’euros.
2007 : dette publique de 239,3 milliards d’euros.
2008 : dette publique de 263,284 milliards d’euros.
2009 : dette publique de 299,682 milliards d’euros.
2010 : dette publique de 329,513 milliards d’euros.
2011 : dette publique de 355,617 milliards d’euros.
En début d’année 2012, la Grèce a fait défaut :
107 milliards d’euros de dettes ont été effacés.
2012 : dette publique de 303,918 milliards d’euros, soit 156,9 % du PIB.
La Grèce prend la présidence de l’Union Européenne
pour six mois, jusqu’au 30 juin 2014.
La Grèce est en faillite.
Elle subit une régression sociale historique.
Un rappel, source Eurostat:
2004 : dette publique de 183,157 milliards d’euros, soit 98,6 % du PIB.
2005 : dette publique de 195,421 milliards d’euros.
2006 : dette publique de 224,204 milliards d’euros.
2007 : dette publique de 239,3 milliards d’euros.
2008 : dette publique de 263,284 milliards d’euros.
2009 : dette publique de 299,682 milliards d’euros.
2010 : dette publique de 329,513 milliards d’euros.
2011 : dette publique de 355,617 milliards d’euros.
En début d’année 2012, la Grèce a fait défaut :
107 milliards d’euros de dettes ont été effacés.
2012 : dette publique de 303,918 milliards d’euros, soit 156,9 % du PIB.
Roseau- Messages : 17750
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
Re: Grèce
Les policiers grecs menacent les représentants de l'UE et du FMI
Roseau- Messages : 17750
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
LE FIL DU RASOIR par François Leclerc
par François Leclerc
Roseau- Messages : 17750
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
La gauche révolutionnaire à un tournant ?
Roseau- Messages : 17750
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
Manos Skoufoglou : "The Intervention of the FI in Greece"
This article is a slightly updated version of an introduction made in the context of the Conference for the 75th anniversary of the Fourth International. The Conference was held in Mannheim in November 2013.
1. A few Historical Remarks
In Greece, the Fourth International has a long history. There has always been a section of the FI in Greece since its foundation in 1938.
In 1928, the “Spartakos Group” (publishing a journal bearing the same name) was founded as a left opposition within the Greek Communist Party (KKE). The leader of the Group was Pantelis Pouliopoulos the first Secretary of the KKE. The journal “Spartakos” published translations of the documents of the International Left Opposition in Greek and also genuine analyses of Greek capitalism. In 1934, militants largely originating from the “Spartakos Group” along with a group split from the Archeiomarxists (led by Michel Raptis – Pablo) founded the Organization of Communist Internationalists of Greece - OKDE.
In 1938, OKDE was represented in the founding Congress of the FI, by Michel Raptis (Pablo). Just after the creation of the FI, OKDE became the Greek section. After WW2, following a Unification Conference in 1946 with other Trotskyist forces, the Communist Internationalist Party of Greece (KDKE) was founded and continued to be the Greek section of the FI till 1974. After the fall of the military dictatorship, in 1974, , KDKE turned again into OKDE, and finally, in 1986, following a split with forces that gradually moved away from the FI, our organization took its present name: OKDE-Spartakos (Greek section of the FI).
2014 will mark 80 years of continuous presence of the Greek section of the FI in Greece.
When the “Spartakos Group” was created in 1928, it included a number of the most important cadres of KKE, including, not only its first General Secretary, Pantelis Pouliopoulos, but also the first Secretary of the Communist Youth and the first Director or the KKE newspaper. Pouliopoulos, in particular, was a very important intellectual and a leading member of the communist soldiers' groups opposing the war against Turkey in 1922.
In 1936, the Metaxas dictatorship was imposed on the Greek people followed by 9 months of war and then the Nazi occupation of the country till 1944. Due to the persecutions of the dictatorship of Metaxas (1936-1940) and later both by the Nazis and the Stalinists, the Greek section of the FI was nearly physically exterminated.
Pouliopoulos himself was executed by a firing squad of Italian fascists in 1943, and this happened to other comrades. It is still a matter for historical investigation to identify the exact number of FI comrades that were executed or murdered by Greek fascists, Nazis and Stalinists in the period 1936-1945.
The remaining comrades, having an analysis for an imperialist war, went on fighting both German and English imperialism, as well as the Greek bourgeoisie, under very difficult circumstances.
The majority of the leadership of the Greek section, however, committed a major mistake, underestimating the importance of the demand for national liberation during the German occupation, and took a sectarian position against EAM (National Liberation Front – the resistance front). EAM was lead by KKE and its leadership followed a treacherous Peoples Front strategy of collaboration with the national bourgeoisie that resulted, in the end, in the defeat of KKE. But still, the movement it led was a genuine popular uprising with a revolutionary dynamic.
Unfortunately, it was only the minority of the leadership of the FI section those days that took a non-sectarian approach to the EAM masses in accordance with the line of the European Secretariat of the FI. The choice of the majority of the leadership of the Greek section marginalized politically the Greek section for a decade.
In the 1960's, under the leadership of those who were a minority in the late 40’s, KDKE was the biggest group to the left of KKE. Severe persecution during the military dictatorship (1967-74) had a negative impact on its dynamic. Many of our comrades were imprisoned or exiled. Despite this, our militants played a key role in the historical revolt of the Polytechnic School in 1973, especially in organizing the Workers' Assembly, and in 1974 (after the collapse of the military junta) our newspaper was the first one to be sold in the streets, long before the KKE newspaper appeared.
2. Our Politics Today
Let's now proceed to our activity nowadays. OKDE-Spartakos, is a small organisation of around 100 members, located within a constellation of far left groups of a multiplicity of origins, as one can imagine.
Despite our small size, we are active in several sectors of the mass movement:
- in the trade unions, mostly through our participation in “Paremvaseis” (Interventions), the radical platform of the far left (ANTARSYA and others). In some sectors the “Paremvaseis” Platform has a very important influence: e.g. it leads many local unions of primary and secondary school teachers, (having played a key role in the recent secondary teachers strikes), it is the majority in many local Municipal workers' unions etc. It also has a considerable presence in some union federations, especially in the public sector. In the new Executive Committee elected at the most recent Congress of ADEDY (the National Confederation of Public Sector Employees), in November 2013, the “Paremvaseis” Platform has as many members as the KKE!
- in the university students' movement, we are active in EAAK, the far left coallition of students with around 1000 members. EAAK has been leading every student mobilization since 1991. In the Students Unions elections, EAAK scores around 12% - 14% nationally, more than double compared to SYRIZA's students platform.
- the antifascist movement is maybe the most successful sector of our work. This task has been underestimated for many years by the majority of the left, including the far left (and most of the organisations of ANTARSYA). OKDE-Spartakos has been working for a long time in local neighborhood antifascist assemblies, often along with anarchists, as well as in any attempt to coordinate all these initiatives. We have been supporting the proposal for a united front of all left and anarchist organisations in action against fascism, as well as the need to organise the social movement’s self-defence. We have played an important role in the campaign which managed to cancel the international Nazi camp in Greece this summer. Our practical work is complemented by the publication of books and pamphlets analyzing fascism from a Marxist point of view.
As you know, there is a real fascist danger in Greece nowadays, with the rise of the Golden Dawn Neonazi Party. They have elected 18 deputies in the Parliament, polling more than 10%. The most important thing, they have organised local groups based on destroyed petit-bourgeois strata, on shop-owners hit by the crisis, on mafia capitalist circles and on unemployed youth sectors. They have started by attacking immigrants and later they moved further by attacking workers' organizations, leftists and anarchists. The recent murder of the antifascist hip-hop singer Pavlos Fyssas (Killah P) in September 18 2013 triggered big antifascist protests and a demostration against the Nazi headquarters. It is worth mentioning, that in the maximum height this movement, and I mean the 30,000 people demo marching on the Golden Dawn HQ in September 25 2013, ANTARSYA, despite all its previous contradictions, was the largest and the most significant actor, in contrast to SYRIZA whose contingent of a few hundred people preferred to attend a concert in Syndagma Square.
- our section is one of the few organisations with a presence in the feminist movement, which is rather underdeveloped in Greece.
- some of our young comrades are active in the network for the democratic rights of soldiers (in Greece there is still a conscription army)
- some comrades are active in local urban movements, mostly in some districts of Athens
- last year, we have founded an Institute in Athens, where seminars and discussions are held every weekend
3. Our work with Antarsya and FI supporters
Since its foundation in 2009, we participate in ANTARSYA, an anticapitalist coallition founded on the basis of political and organisational independence from reformism.
There has always been a whole range of organizations and militants to the left of the 2 reformist parties, the KKE (a stalinist party that currently follows a third-period, bureaucratic and ultra-pessimist line) and the Synaspismos Party (post euro-communist party, following a modern, left social-democratic line). Some of them decided to join the Synaspismos party into SYRIZA. Most of the others, having cooperated for a long time within EAAK and “Paremvaseis”, allied in ANTARSYA.
ANTARSYA has 3000 members, mostly young people. It has failed to score more than 2% in regional elections and 1.2% in national elections, under the electoral pressure of the reformism of SYRIZA. It's real dynamic is bigger, though. ANTARSYA is visible on a national scale, it has led a considerable number of struggles and it has a remarkable presence in several unions. Its program is still quite vague and ambiguous, with several stalinist influences (that's why we would not consider dissolving the section in this front),, however it is clearly governed by revolutionary ideas and it consciously calls for a radical rupture with Capital, the bourgeois state institutions, the EU and all imperialist alliances.
Apart from the section, in Greece there are also some other groups who affiliate in one way or another, with the FI.
Kokkino is a small group originating mostly from the IST. They have permanent observer status in the FI. They participate in SYRIZA, supporting its Left Platform. Kokkino, in the process of the last SYRIZA Conference suffered a triple split losing half of its membership, which supported the majority Tsipras Platform. The Left Platform in SYRIZA is led by the bureaucracy of the Left Current of the former Synaspismos and supported also by DEA.
DEA is a somewhat bigger organization, also a split from the IST (in fact Kokkino is a split of DEA). They don't have any formal status in the FI, but they have been invited to take part in the FI meetings as a guest since last year.
Our relations with Kokkino are good. We have cooperated in the antifascist movement and in organizing two FI youth camps in Greece, but actually our organizational links are loose. The reason is that both Kokkino and DEA (DEA even more) are too much devoted to the work within SYRIZA and its platforms in the Unions. Despite critisizing the leadership of SYRIZA, they finally subordinate themselves to it. Let me give just one example: DEA refused to join the big demonstration against the Golden Dawn national headquarters in October, just because the SYRIZA leadership refused, in the name of “responsibility” and for the stability of the country.
OKDE-Workers Strike, our old split in the 80's, adheres to to the Mandelist tradition, but does not have any real link to the FI any more. We somewhat cooperate in publishing books or documents of our historical current.
4. Our political Tasks
You certainly know some things about the present situation in Greece, so I won't waste your time with data you can find in journals. The economic and political crisis in Greece is not at all resolved. We have now an extremely authoritarian and conservative government, by New Democracy and PASOK.
What I would like to underline is that the situation is deeply contradictory.
On the one hand, we are suffering continuous attacks by Capital and its personnel that suppress the living conditions, as well as the self-confidence of working people – on the other hand, they do so only at the cost of the loss of their hegemony.
On the one hand, we have suffered continuous defeats, as the mass movement has hardly managed to prevent any austerity measures – on the other hand, new strata of the oppressed have gathered valuable experience for the future struggles, that will certainly come, as the system cannot re-stabilize.
On the one hand, fascism threatens to divide and individualize the oppressed, terrorize and destroy their organisations – on the other hand, the fight against fascism may very well turn into a fight against capitalism itself.
What are the reasons why we think we need an independent anticapitalist left in Greece, outside the CP and SYRIZA?
First of all, we have to make clear that both those parties are incapable of offering a solution in favor of the workers' interests. SYRIZA has inspired hopes, when it came second in the national election of May and then June 2012. It has been always dominated by the reformist party of Synaspismos, however it has undergone a further social-democratic mutation as it got closer to government. Its program nowadays is something really close to Die Linke, and is actually far inferior compared to the PASOK program when it first won the elections in 1981. It is incorporating a whole range of former PASOK bureaucrats. It does not meet the criterion of independence from the bourgeois institutions, set by our International. Neither does it meet the criterion of internal democracy, as, by its last conference decision, it forced all organisations within it to dissolve.
Our analysis is that SYRIZA is clearly using the mass movement to support its march to power, instead of using its perspective to gain power to support the mass movement.
It is indicative the fact that they have betrayed the secondary school teachers strike twice in a few months: once in the spring, when their elected unionists in the federation cancelled a general strike voted for by the general assemblies because it was forbidden by the government and once more in September 2013, when they voted to end a new general strike 7 days after it started. They refuse to take part in the demonstrations against the Nazis’ headquarters, but at the same time they call all “constitutional” parties, including the governing New Democracy rightwing party which nurtured the nazis for all these years, to discuss about how to fight fascism all together. They are cooperating with the far right anti-memorandum party of the Independent Greeks. All this is quite obvious now. And the Kokkino comrades agree.
[On 8 January 2014 SYRIZA gave a new proof of their political orientation. It was the day of the inauguration of the Greek presidency of the EU. The government and the police prohibited any demonstration on this day, which was something quite unprecedented. ANTARSYA called for a joint demonstration of all the left against the EU, the government and the authoritarian prohibition. SYRIZA denounced the prohibition, but just did nothing (and so did also the Left Platform, as well as the Communist Party). A demonstration of more than 1,000 people, most of them ANTARSYA members, actually happened, despite the prohibition, the police attacks and the boycott by the reformist left.]
But still, the question can be asked, why not be an oppositional current within one of those parties, SYRIZA or the KKE? The reasons should be searched for in the concrete conditions of the class struggle in Greece.
a. Greece is one of the countries most badly hit by the crisis in the word. There doesn't seem to be any way out, despite all the austerity measures and the collapse of every single welfare institution and public service. There are more austerity measures to come. 70% of the employees in the biggest universities are being fired, that's why we are now in the 11th week of a university strike. This is just the most recent example. In the face of the devastating effects of the crisis, we need to be more, rather than less, militant and aggressive, given also the high level of the struggles. There is no way out of the crisis in favor of our interests and needs within the framework of the capitalist rules and the bourgeois institutions. We need to attack, not to defend - this is our basic approach of the period.
b. There is not a stable, historical link of the masses with the reformist leaderships any more. The support for SYRIZA is something unstable, not enthusiastic, a “lesser evil” tactic in the eyes of most of its supporters. Social consciousness is liquid and abrupt leaps are to be expected-this is the second pillar of our approach
c. The idea of an independent anticapitalist and revolutionary left in Greece is not something fictitious. There is a really existing space of such militants, who have worked together in various collectives and unions for many years. This space would be autonomously expressed anyway - if we had joined SYRIZA, somebody else would have regrouped them.
d. Based on the former remarks, we think that the problem in Greece is not a supposed re-stabilization of capitalism or a lack of combativeness of the masses, but a conscious subject that can organize the vanguard and offer a concrete revolutionary perspective. We have to work on this subjective factor, build it right now, and not count on objective factors and on estimations about the possible trajectories of reformism. If we are not independent, we can affect neither reformism nor the class struggle itself.
ANTARSYA is still in a contradictory process. It is facing strategic dilemmas. It is an important tool, though. ANTARSYA has supported the secondary teachers up to the end. It plays a key role in the strikes in the universities now, as will do soon in the hospitals, were we have a lot of comrades. But the most important factor is this: ANTARSYA is not limiting its combativeness due to the restrictions posed by the parliamentary politics.
As a conclusion few words about what to do:
- We need a united front in action against capitalist attacks and fascism, in order to coordinate all social struggles, as each one separately, no matter how heroic, can't win (ANTARSYA is proposing such a front)
- We need a united and independent anticapitalist and revolutionary left, able to propose a modern transitional program to overthrow capitalism
- We need to maintain our distinct organization, the FI section, within such a front, as strategic questions, far from becoming obsolete, they are getting even more relevant today
- We have to explain that no “left” government can offer a solution to workers and the oppressed. No former eurocommunist or social-democratic bureaucracy, not any renegotiation within the framework of the EU and the bourgeois institutions, no “national development plan” without the memorandum, but with the right of individual property intact.
If ANTARSYA had elected Deputies in the Parliament, we would consider a conditional vote for a left (SYRIZA) government. We wouldn't take part in it though. We would insist on saying that the only way out is massive struggles, self-organization and a revolutionary strategy.
Since we don't have any deputies, we cannot just withdraw from the election, given that SYRIZA does not at all propose or accept a program similar to ours. ANTARSYA met SYRIZA after the May 2012 election, proposing some key demands which we consider indispensable, such as: break with the EU and the euro, cancel the debt, nationalize the strategic sectors of the economy without any compensation, worker's control etc. Obviously, they were rejected. Nevertheless, we still believe that it is absolutely crucial that somebody puts forward such an anticapitalist transitional program. We cannot sacrifice it in the name of an abstract “unity of the left”, which practically means tailing behind reformism.
We use the slogan for a workers government, but we have also to keep in mind what the Transitional Program says:
a. The eventuality of a real workers government (i.e. a government genuinely in favor of workers' interests) within a bourgeois state is extremely improbable, even though not impossible
b. In any case, we need an independent organization of revolutionary Communists in order to have any influence in the developments that such a government would provoke (so, not fuse in the governing party).
Contrary to a stageist approach, which claims that a “simple class” (i.e. reformist) consciousness is a necessary stage we have to go through before being able to speak about a revolution, our task today is to construct both class and revolutionary consciousness simultaneously. Revolution may seem impossible to the majority of the working class, but it is reform what is objectively impossible.
This article is a slightly updated version of an introduction made in the context of the Conference for the 75th anniversary of the Fourth International. The Conference was held in Mannheim in November 2013.
1. A few Historical Remarks
In Greece, the Fourth International has a long history. There has always been a section of the FI in Greece since its foundation in 1938.
In 1928, the “Spartakos Group” (publishing a journal bearing the same name) was founded as a left opposition within the Greek Communist Party (KKE). The leader of the Group was Pantelis Pouliopoulos the first Secretary of the KKE. The journal “Spartakos” published translations of the documents of the International Left Opposition in Greek and also genuine analyses of Greek capitalism. In 1934, militants largely originating from the “Spartakos Group” along with a group split from the Archeiomarxists (led by Michel Raptis – Pablo) founded the Organization of Communist Internationalists of Greece - OKDE.
In 1938, OKDE was represented in the founding Congress of the FI, by Michel Raptis (Pablo). Just after the creation of the FI, OKDE became the Greek section. After WW2, following a Unification Conference in 1946 with other Trotskyist forces, the Communist Internationalist Party of Greece (KDKE) was founded and continued to be the Greek section of the FI till 1974. After the fall of the military dictatorship, in 1974, , KDKE turned again into OKDE, and finally, in 1986, following a split with forces that gradually moved away from the FI, our organization took its present name: OKDE-Spartakos (Greek section of the FI).
2014 will mark 80 years of continuous presence of the Greek section of the FI in Greece.
When the “Spartakos Group” was created in 1928, it included a number of the most important cadres of KKE, including, not only its first General Secretary, Pantelis Pouliopoulos, but also the first Secretary of the Communist Youth and the first Director or the KKE newspaper. Pouliopoulos, in particular, was a very important intellectual and a leading member of the communist soldiers' groups opposing the war against Turkey in 1922.
In 1936, the Metaxas dictatorship was imposed on the Greek people followed by 9 months of war and then the Nazi occupation of the country till 1944. Due to the persecutions of the dictatorship of Metaxas (1936-1940) and later both by the Nazis and the Stalinists, the Greek section of the FI was nearly physically exterminated.
Pouliopoulos himself was executed by a firing squad of Italian fascists in 1943, and this happened to other comrades. It is still a matter for historical investigation to identify the exact number of FI comrades that were executed or murdered by Greek fascists, Nazis and Stalinists in the period 1936-1945.
The remaining comrades, having an analysis for an imperialist war, went on fighting both German and English imperialism, as well as the Greek bourgeoisie, under very difficult circumstances.
The majority of the leadership of the Greek section, however, committed a major mistake, underestimating the importance of the demand for national liberation during the German occupation, and took a sectarian position against EAM (National Liberation Front – the resistance front). EAM was lead by KKE and its leadership followed a treacherous Peoples Front strategy of collaboration with the national bourgeoisie that resulted, in the end, in the defeat of KKE. But still, the movement it led was a genuine popular uprising with a revolutionary dynamic.
Unfortunately, it was only the minority of the leadership of the FI section those days that took a non-sectarian approach to the EAM masses in accordance with the line of the European Secretariat of the FI. The choice of the majority of the leadership of the Greek section marginalized politically the Greek section for a decade.
In the 1960's, under the leadership of those who were a minority in the late 40’s, KDKE was the biggest group to the left of KKE. Severe persecution during the military dictatorship (1967-74) had a negative impact on its dynamic. Many of our comrades were imprisoned or exiled. Despite this, our militants played a key role in the historical revolt of the Polytechnic School in 1973, especially in organizing the Workers' Assembly, and in 1974 (after the collapse of the military junta) our newspaper was the first one to be sold in the streets, long before the KKE newspaper appeared.
2. Our Politics Today
Let's now proceed to our activity nowadays. OKDE-Spartakos, is a small organisation of around 100 members, located within a constellation of far left groups of a multiplicity of origins, as one can imagine.
Despite our small size, we are active in several sectors of the mass movement:
- in the trade unions, mostly through our participation in “Paremvaseis” (Interventions), the radical platform of the far left (ANTARSYA and others). In some sectors the “Paremvaseis” Platform has a very important influence: e.g. it leads many local unions of primary and secondary school teachers, (having played a key role in the recent secondary teachers strikes), it is the majority in many local Municipal workers' unions etc. It also has a considerable presence in some union federations, especially in the public sector. In the new Executive Committee elected at the most recent Congress of ADEDY (the National Confederation of Public Sector Employees), in November 2013, the “Paremvaseis” Platform has as many members as the KKE!
- in the university students' movement, we are active in EAAK, the far left coallition of students with around 1000 members. EAAK has been leading every student mobilization since 1991. In the Students Unions elections, EAAK scores around 12% - 14% nationally, more than double compared to SYRIZA's students platform.
- the antifascist movement is maybe the most successful sector of our work. This task has been underestimated for many years by the majority of the left, including the far left (and most of the organisations of ANTARSYA). OKDE-Spartakos has been working for a long time in local neighborhood antifascist assemblies, often along with anarchists, as well as in any attempt to coordinate all these initiatives. We have been supporting the proposal for a united front of all left and anarchist organisations in action against fascism, as well as the need to organise the social movement’s self-defence. We have played an important role in the campaign which managed to cancel the international Nazi camp in Greece this summer. Our practical work is complemented by the publication of books and pamphlets analyzing fascism from a Marxist point of view.
As you know, there is a real fascist danger in Greece nowadays, with the rise of the Golden Dawn Neonazi Party. They have elected 18 deputies in the Parliament, polling more than 10%. The most important thing, they have organised local groups based on destroyed petit-bourgeois strata, on shop-owners hit by the crisis, on mafia capitalist circles and on unemployed youth sectors. They have started by attacking immigrants and later they moved further by attacking workers' organizations, leftists and anarchists. The recent murder of the antifascist hip-hop singer Pavlos Fyssas (Killah P) in September 18 2013 triggered big antifascist protests and a demostration against the Nazi headquarters. It is worth mentioning, that in the maximum height this movement, and I mean the 30,000 people demo marching on the Golden Dawn HQ in September 25 2013, ANTARSYA, despite all its previous contradictions, was the largest and the most significant actor, in contrast to SYRIZA whose contingent of a few hundred people preferred to attend a concert in Syndagma Square.
- our section is one of the few organisations with a presence in the feminist movement, which is rather underdeveloped in Greece.
- some of our young comrades are active in the network for the democratic rights of soldiers (in Greece there is still a conscription army)
- some comrades are active in local urban movements, mostly in some districts of Athens
- last year, we have founded an Institute in Athens, where seminars and discussions are held every weekend
3. Our work with Antarsya and FI supporters
Since its foundation in 2009, we participate in ANTARSYA, an anticapitalist coallition founded on the basis of political and organisational independence from reformism.
There has always been a whole range of organizations and militants to the left of the 2 reformist parties, the KKE (a stalinist party that currently follows a third-period, bureaucratic and ultra-pessimist line) and the Synaspismos Party (post euro-communist party, following a modern, left social-democratic line). Some of them decided to join the Synaspismos party into SYRIZA. Most of the others, having cooperated for a long time within EAAK and “Paremvaseis”, allied in ANTARSYA.
ANTARSYA has 3000 members, mostly young people. It has failed to score more than 2% in regional elections and 1.2% in national elections, under the electoral pressure of the reformism of SYRIZA. It's real dynamic is bigger, though. ANTARSYA is visible on a national scale, it has led a considerable number of struggles and it has a remarkable presence in several unions. Its program is still quite vague and ambiguous, with several stalinist influences (that's why we would not consider dissolving the section in this front),, however it is clearly governed by revolutionary ideas and it consciously calls for a radical rupture with Capital, the bourgeois state institutions, the EU and all imperialist alliances.
Apart from the section, in Greece there are also some other groups who affiliate in one way or another, with the FI.
Kokkino is a small group originating mostly from the IST. They have permanent observer status in the FI. They participate in SYRIZA, supporting its Left Platform. Kokkino, in the process of the last SYRIZA Conference suffered a triple split losing half of its membership, which supported the majority Tsipras Platform. The Left Platform in SYRIZA is led by the bureaucracy of the Left Current of the former Synaspismos and supported also by DEA.
DEA is a somewhat bigger organization, also a split from the IST (in fact Kokkino is a split of DEA). They don't have any formal status in the FI, but they have been invited to take part in the FI meetings as a guest since last year.
Our relations with Kokkino are good. We have cooperated in the antifascist movement and in organizing two FI youth camps in Greece, but actually our organizational links are loose. The reason is that both Kokkino and DEA (DEA even more) are too much devoted to the work within SYRIZA and its platforms in the Unions. Despite critisizing the leadership of SYRIZA, they finally subordinate themselves to it. Let me give just one example: DEA refused to join the big demonstration against the Golden Dawn national headquarters in October, just because the SYRIZA leadership refused, in the name of “responsibility” and for the stability of the country.
OKDE-Workers Strike, our old split in the 80's, adheres to to the Mandelist tradition, but does not have any real link to the FI any more. We somewhat cooperate in publishing books or documents of our historical current.
4. Our political Tasks
You certainly know some things about the present situation in Greece, so I won't waste your time with data you can find in journals. The economic and political crisis in Greece is not at all resolved. We have now an extremely authoritarian and conservative government, by New Democracy and PASOK.
What I would like to underline is that the situation is deeply contradictory.
On the one hand, we are suffering continuous attacks by Capital and its personnel that suppress the living conditions, as well as the self-confidence of working people – on the other hand, they do so only at the cost of the loss of their hegemony.
On the one hand, we have suffered continuous defeats, as the mass movement has hardly managed to prevent any austerity measures – on the other hand, new strata of the oppressed have gathered valuable experience for the future struggles, that will certainly come, as the system cannot re-stabilize.
On the one hand, fascism threatens to divide and individualize the oppressed, terrorize and destroy their organisations – on the other hand, the fight against fascism may very well turn into a fight against capitalism itself.
What are the reasons why we think we need an independent anticapitalist left in Greece, outside the CP and SYRIZA?
First of all, we have to make clear that both those parties are incapable of offering a solution in favor of the workers' interests. SYRIZA has inspired hopes, when it came second in the national election of May and then June 2012. It has been always dominated by the reformist party of Synaspismos, however it has undergone a further social-democratic mutation as it got closer to government. Its program nowadays is something really close to Die Linke, and is actually far inferior compared to the PASOK program when it first won the elections in 1981. It is incorporating a whole range of former PASOK bureaucrats. It does not meet the criterion of independence from the bourgeois institutions, set by our International. Neither does it meet the criterion of internal democracy, as, by its last conference decision, it forced all organisations within it to dissolve.
Our analysis is that SYRIZA is clearly using the mass movement to support its march to power, instead of using its perspective to gain power to support the mass movement.
It is indicative the fact that they have betrayed the secondary school teachers strike twice in a few months: once in the spring, when their elected unionists in the federation cancelled a general strike voted for by the general assemblies because it was forbidden by the government and once more in September 2013, when they voted to end a new general strike 7 days after it started. They refuse to take part in the demonstrations against the Nazis’ headquarters, but at the same time they call all “constitutional” parties, including the governing New Democracy rightwing party which nurtured the nazis for all these years, to discuss about how to fight fascism all together. They are cooperating with the far right anti-memorandum party of the Independent Greeks. All this is quite obvious now. And the Kokkino comrades agree.
[On 8 January 2014 SYRIZA gave a new proof of their political orientation. It was the day of the inauguration of the Greek presidency of the EU. The government and the police prohibited any demonstration on this day, which was something quite unprecedented. ANTARSYA called for a joint demonstration of all the left against the EU, the government and the authoritarian prohibition. SYRIZA denounced the prohibition, but just did nothing (and so did also the Left Platform, as well as the Communist Party). A demonstration of more than 1,000 people, most of them ANTARSYA members, actually happened, despite the prohibition, the police attacks and the boycott by the reformist left.]
But still, the question can be asked, why not be an oppositional current within one of those parties, SYRIZA or the KKE? The reasons should be searched for in the concrete conditions of the class struggle in Greece.
a. Greece is one of the countries most badly hit by the crisis in the word. There doesn't seem to be any way out, despite all the austerity measures and the collapse of every single welfare institution and public service. There are more austerity measures to come. 70% of the employees in the biggest universities are being fired, that's why we are now in the 11th week of a university strike. This is just the most recent example. In the face of the devastating effects of the crisis, we need to be more, rather than less, militant and aggressive, given also the high level of the struggles. There is no way out of the crisis in favor of our interests and needs within the framework of the capitalist rules and the bourgeois institutions. We need to attack, not to defend - this is our basic approach of the period.
b. There is not a stable, historical link of the masses with the reformist leaderships any more. The support for SYRIZA is something unstable, not enthusiastic, a “lesser evil” tactic in the eyes of most of its supporters. Social consciousness is liquid and abrupt leaps are to be expected-this is the second pillar of our approach
c. The idea of an independent anticapitalist and revolutionary left in Greece is not something fictitious. There is a really existing space of such militants, who have worked together in various collectives and unions for many years. This space would be autonomously expressed anyway - if we had joined SYRIZA, somebody else would have regrouped them.
d. Based on the former remarks, we think that the problem in Greece is not a supposed re-stabilization of capitalism or a lack of combativeness of the masses, but a conscious subject that can organize the vanguard and offer a concrete revolutionary perspective. We have to work on this subjective factor, build it right now, and not count on objective factors and on estimations about the possible trajectories of reformism. If we are not independent, we can affect neither reformism nor the class struggle itself.
ANTARSYA is still in a contradictory process. It is facing strategic dilemmas. It is an important tool, though. ANTARSYA has supported the secondary teachers up to the end. It plays a key role in the strikes in the universities now, as will do soon in the hospitals, were we have a lot of comrades. But the most important factor is this: ANTARSYA is not limiting its combativeness due to the restrictions posed by the parliamentary politics.
As a conclusion few words about what to do:
- We need a united front in action against capitalist attacks and fascism, in order to coordinate all social struggles, as each one separately, no matter how heroic, can't win (ANTARSYA is proposing such a front)
- We need a united and independent anticapitalist and revolutionary left, able to propose a modern transitional program to overthrow capitalism
- We need to maintain our distinct organization, the FI section, within such a front, as strategic questions, far from becoming obsolete, they are getting even more relevant today
- We have to explain that no “left” government can offer a solution to workers and the oppressed. No former eurocommunist or social-democratic bureaucracy, not any renegotiation within the framework of the EU and the bourgeois institutions, no “national development plan” without the memorandum, but with the right of individual property intact.
If ANTARSYA had elected Deputies in the Parliament, we would consider a conditional vote for a left (SYRIZA) government. We wouldn't take part in it though. We would insist on saying that the only way out is massive struggles, self-organization and a revolutionary strategy.
Since we don't have any deputies, we cannot just withdraw from the election, given that SYRIZA does not at all propose or accept a program similar to ours. ANTARSYA met SYRIZA after the May 2012 election, proposing some key demands which we consider indispensable, such as: break with the EU and the euro, cancel the debt, nationalize the strategic sectors of the economy without any compensation, worker's control etc. Obviously, they were rejected. Nevertheless, we still believe that it is absolutely crucial that somebody puts forward such an anticapitalist transitional program. We cannot sacrifice it in the name of an abstract “unity of the left”, which practically means tailing behind reformism.
We use the slogan for a workers government, but we have also to keep in mind what the Transitional Program says:
a. The eventuality of a real workers government (i.e. a government genuinely in favor of workers' interests) within a bourgeois state is extremely improbable, even though not impossible
b. In any case, we need an independent organization of revolutionary Communists in order to have any influence in the developments that such a government would provoke (so, not fuse in the governing party).
Contrary to a stageist approach, which claims that a “simple class” (i.e. reformist) consciousness is a necessary stage we have to go through before being able to speak about a revolution, our task today is to construct both class and revolutionary consciousness simultaneously. Revolution may seem impossible to the majority of the working class, but it is reform what is objectively impossible.
Babel- Messages : 1081
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2011
Re: Grèce
Merci Babel. Très intéressant, notamment sur l'impasse
que représente SYRIZA.
Si un camarade peut prendre le temps de traduire...
que représente SYRIZA.
Si un camarade peut prendre le temps de traduire...
Roseau- Messages : 17750
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
2 mars: Journée-Débat ANTARSYA France
Dimanche 2 Mars, ENS rue Ulm, 10h00 a 19h00
En savoir plus :
En savoir plus :
Roseau- Messages : 17750
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
2 mars: Journée-Débat ANTARSYA France
Le débat s'articule autour de trois sujets - tables rondes:
« La menace sur la démocratie et les libertés collectives », 10h-12h
Emmanuel TERRAY
Bernard SCHMID
Débat avec la salle
« L'Union Européenne et la crise capitaliste contemporaine », 13h30-16h
Guillaume ETIEVANT
Débat avec la salle
« La riposte anticapitaliste et la perspective socialiste », 16h30-19h15
Jean Albert GUIDOU
Christophe VENTURA
Flavia VERRI
Panagiotis SOTIRIS
Débat avec la salle
12h30 – 13h30
Pause déjeuner
(Buffet grec préparé par les membres du comité d’ANTARSYA-France)
16h00 – 16h30
Pause café
Vous pouvez trouver l’appel initiale ainsi que quelques détailles sur les liens ci dessous:
« La menace sur la démocratie et les libertés collectives », 10h-12h
Emmanuel TERRAY
Bernard SCHMID
Débat avec la salle
« L'Union Européenne et la crise capitaliste contemporaine », 13h30-16h
Guillaume ETIEVANT
Débat avec la salle
« La riposte anticapitaliste et la perspective socialiste », 16h30-19h15
Jean Albert GUIDOU
Christophe VENTURA
Flavia VERRI
Panagiotis SOTIRIS
Débat avec la salle
12h30 – 13h30
Pause déjeuner
(Buffet grec préparé par les membres du comité d’ANTARSYA-France)
16h00 – 16h30
Pause café
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Roseau- Messages : 17750
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
Re: Grèce
Grèce: des milliers de manifestants contre les néonazis et le racisme
Des milliers de migrants, sympathisants de gauche et des droits de l’homme, ont manifesté samedi à Athènes dans une ambiance bon enfant contre «le fascisme» et «le racisme», selon la police.
A l’occasion de la Journée internationale contre «le fascisme et le racisme», des communautés de migrants, surtout Pakistanais, Bangladeshis et Africains, se sont rassemblés dans le centre-ville et ont marché jusqu’à la place Syntagma, en contrebas du parlement, où un concert a clôturé la manifestation avec le soutien de la Mairie d’Athènes.
A la tête du cortège se trouvaient des migrants surtout d’Asie, travailleurs dans des champs de fraises de Manolada en Péloponnèse (sud), où de nombreux incidents violents avaient eu lieu ces dernières années entre des propriétaires grecs des exploitations et des migrants protestant contre les conditions misérables d’emploi.
«Éliminez les néonazis dans tout quartier, ni au Parlement européen, ni aux mairies ou les préfectures», était inscrit sur une banderole.
Des élections locales doivent se dérouler en Grèce le 18 mai, une semaine avant les Européennes et le parti néonazi Aube dorée est crédité entre 5% et 8%, arrivant en troisième position derrière la droite et la Gauche radicale Syriza, à en croire des récents sondages d’intention de vote.
La plupart de manifestants scandaient des slogans contre Aube dorée dont la moitié des députés dont le dirigeant, ont été inculpés après l’assassinat en septembre du musicien antifasciste Pavlos Fyssas près d’Athènes par un membre de ce parti.
«Pavlos Fyssas vit», «Aucune tolérance aux néonazis», «Régularisez tous les migrants», «Nationalité pour tous les enfants des migrants», proclamaient certaines banderoles.
Parti xénophobe et antisémite, Aube dorée est accusé de nombreuses attaques surtout contre des migrants et des personnes de gauche.
L’éclosion de la crise en 2010 et la paupérisation des Grecs a favorisé la montée d’Aube dorée qui a réussi lors des dernières législatives en 2012 à entrer pour la première fois au parlement, avec un taux de près de 7%.
sylvestre- Messages : 4489
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2010
Le saccage continue pour payer la dette
Réuni mardi, l’Eurogroupe, parlant au nom de la Troïka (BCE, FMI, UE),
a voté en faveur du déblocage du nouveau plan d'aide,
déstiné en majorité au remboursement de la Banque centrale européenne.
a voté en faveur du déblocage du nouveau plan d'aide,
déstiné en majorité au remboursement de la Banque centrale européenne.
Source:ès de longs mois de tergiversations, la Grèce a obtenu un nouveau plan d’aide européen. Réuni mardi, l’Eurogroupe, parlant au nom de la Troïka (BCE, FMI, UE), a voté en faveur du déblocage d'un plan de 8 milliards d’euros, en trois tranches. Ce vote fait suite à celui du parlement grec qui a approuvé, à une étroite majorité, le nouveau volet de mesures qui lui étaient imposées dans le cadre du récent plan de sauvetage.
Le vote avait été suspendu pendant plusieurs jours sur la question du lait : le gouvernement grec voulait conserver sa définition du lait fermier, ayant moins de cinq jours, tandis que la Troïka voulait désormais que le lait fermier ait jusqu’à onze jours, ce qui impliquait, selon l’opposition grecque, la destruction de toute l’industrie laitière grecque au profit des multinationales. Finalement, un compromis a été trouvé : la vente du lait fermier pourra s’étaler jusqu’à neuf jours à partir de la traite. Il n’y a pas de petit détail pour la Troïka.
En concluant cet accord, l’Eurogroupe a félicité la Grèce pour ses mesures « d’ajustements » difficiles mais porteuses d’avenir. Un vrai succès : le taux de chômage est à plus de 27 %, celui des jeunes à plus de 56 %, et l’activité économique a repiqué du nez en mars (49,7 points selon le sondage PMI contre 51,3 en février), tandis que la déflation s’installe... Si le déficit budgétaire annuel s’est stabilisé, les dettes publiques ont explosé à 170 % du PIB.
Dans son discours, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, le président néerlandais de l’Eurogroupe, a insisté sur les défis qui attendaient encore la Grèce. « Des coupes dures et marquantes dans le système de sécurité sociale sont attendues pour améliorer la compétitivité et soutenir la croissance. De plus, les autorités se sont engagées à des réformes du marché de l’énergie et à soutenir la privatisation des biens et de l’immobilier publics, ce qui apportera des financements au gouvernement. Il est aussi important que des progrès soient encore faits dans les réformes des administrations afin d’améliorer la qualité et l’efficacité des services publics, ainsi que les réformes sur le marché du travail. »
Dans son plan, la Troïka a notamment imposé la création d’une agence de privatisation chargée entre autres de la privatisation des ports et du service public de l’électricité. Celle-ci devrait avoir la possibilité d’émettre des obligations sur le marché. Plusieurs créanciers, dont Goldman Sachs, semblent intéressés par le marché de l’électricité.
Les fonds libérés par la Toïka devraient permettre, comme le remarque le Financial Times, de rembourser une partie des obligations, s’élevant à 9 milliards d’euros, arrivant à échéance en mai et détenues par la Banque centrale européenne.
Roseau- Messages : 17750
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
Re: Grèce
Le contenu des échéances véritables dans le contexte des élections européennes
Roseau- Messages : 17750
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2010
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